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· Psicóloga com especialização em: psicologia clínica pela PUC/RJ, terapia de casal e família pelo CCFH de Chicago, terapia de família pela Universidade de Illinois.

· MBA/RH da FIA/USP – turma 2005

· Atualmente professora convidada no curso de MBA/RH da FIA/USP.

· Coach no programa EMBA da Fundação Dom Cabral.

· Coach formada pelo Neuro Leadership Institute NLI

· Coach PCC ( Professional Certified Coach )

· Ampla experiência no atendimento clínico a famílias expatriadas nos EUA e no Brasil; mais de 20 anos de experiência em consultoria e treinamento relacionados a diferenças culturais. 

· Certificada nas ferramentas MBTI step 2, EQI Inteligência Emocional, Points of you, Lego Serious Play.
· Autora do livro “Global Mobility no Brasil”, lançado em dezembro de 2021.

Born in Rio de Janeiro, Andréa graduated in Psychology at the Santa Úrsula University, in Rio de Janeiro, with a post-grad in psychoanalysis by PUC-RJ. She lived in Chicago between 1995 and 1997, where she also specialized in Couples and Family’s Therapy at the University of Illinois and at the Chicago Center for Family Health (CCFH), affiliated to the University of Chicago. Back to Brazil, she moved to São Paulo, where she completed an MBA in Human Resources at USP-FIA in 2005. Since then, she has been
teaching International Management at the above-mentioned MBA. She is a coach, graduated from the Neuro Leadership Institute
and a member of ICF and Coach PCC (Professional Certified Coaches). In 1999, she created, along with Vivian Manasse Teixeira Leite, the company Going Global, a pioneer in the cross-cultural training area, and in 2007, she became responsible for Global Line, aconsultancy acting on people’s development that supports around 30 companies annually in projects related to Cultural Differences, Leadership Development,Coaching Processes, and Team Integration.

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